City of Wolverhampton Labour Party – “Delivering Healthier Lives for Local People”.

Labour election pledges are being delivered to homes across Wednesfield North and the City. Today we highlight the Healthier Lives for Local People part of the manifesto Labour is fighting on in this City.

City of Wolverhampton Labour Party commits itself to delivering Healthier Lives for Local People. We have already delivered NHS Health Checks for residents aged 40 -74 with a £500,000 investment.

We had 28,000 of our residents moving more & eating better with the “Better Health Rewards” pilot we delivered last year. Recipients were provided free fitness trackers & incentives. It proved to be a real success. We also doubled the WV Active membership and invested £1m to provide ‘State of the Art’ gyms at our Leisure centres.
Labour has also provided Free Access to WV Active Centres for young people with a £2m investment as part of our successful Yo! Wolves programme.

Now looking forward to 2024/2025 we are working in partnership with the NHS, and it is Labour’s intention to bring in New innovative digital health checks at your local doctors. We also have a plan to support residents to lose weight, quit smoking, and exercise more.

Through our Public Health team and partnership with the NHS we are planning to give all residents access to potentially lifesaving breast, cervical, and bowel cancer screening. Plus our plans moving forward is to deliver and invest £2.3m into a programme to get people off drugs & alcohol, and supporting them into education training and jobs. Drugs and alcoholism are huge issues for the region and the UK. We hope that this program will go along way to help families caught in the despair of these activities.

Its a fulsome ‘Healthier Lives’ programme for the next year, but we are confident that if we are elected back into control, we can actively work, and deliver our plan for ‘Healthier lives for local people’ which is an exciting programme, and very much part of the overall plan to create a “Thriving City”.

Phil Bateman

Phil Bateman is Married to Mary and lives in Wednesfield North. He was a long serving local politician having served previously on the now defunct West Midlands County Council... read more
